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Merry Christmas!

So many things to be thankful for this year.  My two healthy and happy boys this morning, getting into mine and Greg’s bed.  They are so sweet when I think about how they wake me up every morning, (just me, nevermind that they walk all the way aroud the room to my side of the bed), and ask, “can we watch cartoons mommy?”  No matter how much I tell them that they don’t have to ask me to watch cartoons, inevitably I will not be sleeping in past 6am ever again.  Nevertheless those moments I will always treasure in my heart and memory.  

I cannot stop wondering about Grandma and thinking about what she is doing now in heaven.  I am missing her terribly.  I think about how it will be a void without her at the table this Christmas and how different it was  at Thanksgiving.   I mainly think about when each of my boys were born, and how she came over to the house and held them close rocking them like all grandmothers do.  Making sure the blanket was just so, and looking at them intently.  That is a precious memory that I will always have.  I will never forget her holding me as a child in the rocking chair and reading to me.  Letting me hold her soft hand and listening to all the wonderful stories from all the books she had.  I am forever grateful for her love and kindness.
My husband Greg, who loves our sons and does the important things like, buying halloween costumes, and making sure the boys aren’t wearing anything remotely like last years costumes.  I will always admire him for keeping it fresh, and always thinking of others before himself.  I can only see him with me and I hope he can only see me with him, we fit together perfectly but in an imperfect way.  I will always love him.
2010 sounds terrifying to me and exciting all at once.  I have to write my vision of the future a year from now, and it will be here before I know it.
I think 2010 will be a better year for the cabinet shop.  I think work will be steady and we will work steadfast.  I think God has a lot in store for me to learn and accomplish.  All I really know is that if God is lifted up and praised because of what goes on in my life or what happens to me, then it is all for the good.  My personal relationship with Jesus is going to grow and I will learn more about him this year.  If I can have a closer relationship with Him and show others his love for them, all will work out just fine. 
Merry Christmas

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